Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving Madness

Thanksgiving was a great day as always. We ate, then we ate again, and then we ate some more. The fam gathered at my house for the festivities. Johnny and Paul joined us as well as my moms new friend, Rod (he's taking the picture). We ate and talked and laughed and ate again.
Christy and Devon visited from Kansas with their new little Zoey. Isnt she cute? Look at the three little babies. They are so fun to watch. Cameron is gonna have to get used to all these women. I am sure Braiden can give him some pointers. Happy Turkey day everyone. Gobble, gobble.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

More New Additions...

The last three months have been very busy ones for Amy, Bonnie and Christy. On July 28th Bonnie and Luke welcomed Balyee Grace to the world. She is such a sweety. So smiley and looks just like Abby at this age, just without hair. Love those little bald toothless grins.
Then, Cameron Benjamin Erickson was born on September 10th. He has big blue eyes and his mommys mouth.

Then a week later, Zoey Lin Burton was born to Christy and Devon. She looks exactly like Christy and her grandma Becky.
All mommies are doing well and very happy to not be pregnant any more. Siblings Braiden, Paige and Abby are also adjusting beautifully and no eyes have yet to be poked out.
When can we expect another addition to the Watson Clan you ask? Stay tuned until January when Norma has her turn...